Following are the ministries currently active at our church. Please check our events page as well for more activities.
Prayer is vital part of our ministry. We have a special prayer corner for those seeking a place for solitude and time to dedicate to fervent prayer. There is also a confidential prayer chain ready at all times to add to join our hearts in prayer for your needs. A prayer team is also available at every service.
Afternoon Adventure Kids Klub
Back in action weekly on Wednesdays from 2:30 to 4:00 PM, beginning September 13th. Inviting all kids Kindergarten through 12th Grade.
Small Group Bible Studies
Current Studies
Monday - Ladies 10-11:30
Nursery/Children's Church
During the Sunday morning service, there is a staffed nursery for younger children. For school age children, there is a children's lesson and activity during the sermon portion of the service for fun and instruction.
A cooperative effort with the local churches on the Iron Range which includes the Aurora food shelf and MEMA funds to help those in need. Also coming together for celebration services.