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Church Council Structure



OFFICERS - Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer






  • Congregational Care Team

  • Discipleship/Christian Education

  • Facilities Team

  • Local Outreach

  • Missions Team

  • Support Team



Chairman - (open) - presides over business meetings and the coucil.  Confers with the pastor in preparing agendas, etc.  Leadship of church service in absence of pastor.

Vice Chairman - Glyn Skinner - assumes the duties of the chairman in their absence.  They are chosen from the council members.

Secretary - Becky Addy - keep and preserve the minutes of all business meetings of the church and council.  Preserves all official correspondence.

Financial secretary - (open)- does not have a seat on the countil, but acts in cooperation with the Council and reports directly to the Treasurer.  They will receive, record and transmit to the church treasure all funds contributed to the church.  Submits a written report at meetings of the council and business meetings of the church.

Treasurer - Jim Underhill - Responsible for all funds committed to him and makes disbursements as authorized by the church and the council.  Maintains accurate and complete records of all transactions.  Providers record of all transactions at council and business meetings.


Christian Education - Debby Bocnuk  - Promote and nurture personal spirtual growth and development in the model of Jesus Christ in Church programming.

Facilities Team - Glyn Skinner - Responsible for the Church properaties including equipment, grounds, parking lot, current structures and future structures.  Oversight of Church parsonage.

Missions Team - Karen Underhill - Concerned with issues related to mission involvement and awareness.  Includes presenting suggestions of mission opportunities and communicating with missionaries that are supported by the Church.


Support Team - Jeanette Bliss - Cultivate an active relationship with people of special talents, resources, and willingness to serve the Church in a variety of areas, e.g. nursery workers, communion helpers and supplies, arranging greeters and ushers, etc.

© 2018 by Biwabik Covenant Church

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